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October 17, 2019


by Christine

Travel, I absolutely love it!

My bucket list has several destinations that I wish to see before I’m Heaven bound.

The Dakota’s, Oregon, Maine, Hawaii, Paris, Italy and on and on.  That list is long, to say the least.

This blog is on road trip travel.

I can’t say I’m an avid traveler, although I sure wish I could I be.

But I have been a few places, major destinations:  Florida, Texas, Missouri, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Iowa, and all the states in between that you travel through to get there.

Sometimes the interstates work well for me.

You can get there so much faster, but it seems like it is you and thousands of other travelers all flying down that freeway together. 

I’m not the biggest fan of that many cars, but one thing I do like is you can count on rest areas and exits along the way.

Then there are the back roads and the state highways.

I love to travel on them!!!!!   

Sure it is slower, but it is also more scenic and serene.

You never really know where a store may pop up in between those little towns and communities if the need should arise.

But my husband and I really like the scenic route, and it is usually so worth the ride.

We will be traveling along and see a store or some kind of shop and just stop and check it out.

Simple times, and simple things to do as you meander down the road to your destination.

Then there are the hotel stays.  It’s funny how your taste changes as you age.

In our younger days, we were fine with Days Inns, Quality Inns, etc.

Now, we have moved up to the Hampton Inns and the Hiltons.

I guess its just maturity and being more financially stable to choose what you want, which is a great thing.

Food, travel, and restaurants go hand in hand. 

 A lot of takeouts, and of course a Waffle House visit for a breakfast along the way, and definitely some Dunkin Donuts tea, and Starbucks and McDonald’s caramel frappes.

I absolutely love caramel frappes, thanks to my youngest granddaughter, even though they are loaded in calories!

The rest usually, just whatever we are in the mood for at that time.

And the people, I don’t think I ever meet a stranger, I say hi to everybody.

I’ve discovered a lot of folks will just ignore you, bless their cold hearts; but some will smile or say hi.  

But…. some will just stop and chat, those are my favorite kinds of folks.  

I love talking to people, kindness goes a long way to people, friends, strangers, and travelers.

I guess that’s enough for now, gonna think about the next road trip to take.

Well yall, till next time…..  

Happy travels!!!!!!


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