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March 12, 2019

The Joys of Springtime

by Christine

I so love the Spring season.

The Winter doldrums and gloom goes away, and Spring replaces it with warmer weather and sunshine.

People smile more, life seems a little happier, and it’s just a renewal of life.

That pitiful looking yard becomes pretty and green, the leaves and trees bud and bring forth beautiful lush leaves swaying in the wind.

And oh the flowers and shrubs, my favorite part,  the daffodils, tulips, daisies, forsythias, petunias and on and on.

Then you can’t forget those Boston ferns for the front porch, at least down South.

I buy four every year and hang them on the front porch waiting on the little birds to come and build their nests in them for yet another generation of sparrows and wrens.  

Oh, how I enjoy them.

I start taking pictures when the eggs are laid, and their new babies and even as they grow and start flying back and forth.

I even have the bird feeders hung nearby for them to come and fuss over the food.  That part is comical watching them.

It’s just a wonderful time of year.

And Spring cant be here without cookouts and picnics and families and friends getting together for some much needed time outside.

It’s almost Spring, I for one am so looking forward to it!

How about you?

Happy Spring!!!!

Till next time…

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