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The Baby Question?

Oh my, I can’t start to tell you the times I make silly blunders, huge mishaps and stick my foot in my mouth….. just know its way too often.

Heres a story about one of those times.

I’m one of those folks that tend to speak first, think last……. or worse yet…. just say out loud whatever happens to run through my mind.

Case in point….. the baby question! You see, I absolutely adore babies and children. I have two grown children and four grandchildren of my own. I just love babies and children, ain’t no other way to say it.

So when I see a mother to be, I find myself smiling…. thinking ….. “Oh Father, a new baby on the way…. how wonderful.”

Well, you know what I do next… “I smile and say oh sweetie, when’s your baby due?”

Usually, this mom to be will grin from ear to ear, touch her belly affectionately and say…… ” in so and so months or weeks, whatever the case may be.”

A simple moment in our daily lives where two moms share a smile…

Well, I wish I could tell you it always goes so wonderfully well………. but, it doesn’t!!

I mean, have you ever seen a woman and think oh, she’s expecting? Our society today tends to be a bit “fuller” than in years past, I know I’m one of them. But sometimes it’s just really hard to tell. Hence, I need to learn to just smile and go on without saying a word.

But do I?????????????? Oh, no…….not this crazy old woman…………

Well, I was shopping a few weeks ago at the Walmart ….. I saw this lady and thought she was with child, so to speak…. then it happened…

I say “Oh bless you, dear, when’s your baby due?”

Y’all know what happened next, or maybe you don’t…. I hope you don’t speak first and think last like I do.

If you can stay quiet at times like this, it will save you a lot of grief and embarrassing moments, I promise…

But anyway, I was told in no uncertain terms she was not pregnant and she went off pushing that buggy so much faster than before, and I’m sure really….. really… really mad at me…..

Oh my…… opened mouth and inserted that foot clear to the thigh that time.….. What was I thinking???

And I wish I could tell you that’s the only time, but well it ain’t?

My granddaughter and I were at the Sonic drive-thru one Saturday afternoon, stopped to get some sweet tea of course…. us southern girls, love our sweet tea!

But when I got to the window, this young lady looked pregnant. I said, “oh look she’s expecting.”

My poor granddaughter, bless her heart……. she says……“Nana don’t you do it, don’t do it!!”

Well, I didn’t but would have had she not told me not to. I just can’t help myself… I love to see expectant moms, knowing there’s a new baby on the way… it’s a true blessing to have children!!!.

But thinking about it now, one of these days…. I’m gonna end up with spit in my sweet tea, or some not so nice words spoken to me…… but, well nowadays you just can’t tell sometimes!!!!!!