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October 12, 2019

Autumn Days

by Christine

Autumn days, don’t you just love them?

I sure do, Autumn is one of my two favorite seasons. Spring, of course, is the other one, but that’s for a blog a few months from now.

But Autumn, and the beauty it brings, oh my how I love it!

One of my favorite things about autumn is the trees. God has a way of just painting the leaves such brilliant colors of red, orange and yellow. I know sometimes they are not as pretty as some seasons, but they all are still beautiful to me.

And don’t you just love when the leaves start to fall? When you walk through them and hear the rustling of all those leaves. And the scent that they bring.   Oh, I so love that.

Or maybe when the kids gather to rake them in huge piles, just to run and jump in them over and over again. When my kids were young, we had two huge old maple trees in the front yard which made for some wonderful leaf jumping times for them. We would rake them up, they would then run and jump and roll and laugh and have a good old time. In time they would be scattered. So what would we do? Why just rake them back up all over again, and repeat. Those were some really fun wonderful times. Goodness, how fast time passes.

Even today, the grandkids enjoy doing the same thing. We have a hill in our yard and a maple tree near the bottom. We all get out rake them up, and here they come; running down the hill for speed and jump right in the middle of them laughing; or sometimes just rolling down into them, even a few times running, then sliding into them as if your stealing home base. I so love the fun that autumn brings to children, and the beauty it brings to all.

Another thing I love about fall is the beautiful deep blue sky. Usually towards the end of October as the thermometer starts dipping to cooler days and nights; the sky will appear such a beautiful blue, and it looks as if you can see forever, all the way to the Heavens. I love days like that. And if the trees have become full of beautiful foliage, it is well just absolutely picturesque.

Then there’s the bonfires, hot chocolate, football games, sitting on the porch with an afghan on those chilly evenings. The fall festivals, apple orchard visits, corn mazes, hay rides, the yard filled with decorations of mums, hay bales and pumpkins. Wonderful times had by all, well unless you’re just a miserable person that doesn’t enjoy anything. I know a few people like that. All I can say about them is well, “bless them,” they don’t know what they’re missing.

Autumn really is a wonderful season, full of chilly days, cooler nights, and laughter and beauty beyond measure.

I so hope you get out and enjoy it, with family and friends, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Happy Fall Y’all…………………….

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